Information for Presenters

Oral Sessions
1. On-site Presentation

1) Duration of the Presentation
The time generally allocated to each presenter is 15 minutes and Q&A is 3 minutes, but it can be slightly changed by the chairperson according to the number of papers allocated in the session.

2) Equipment in the Presentation Room
Each presentation room will have a beam projector and laptop computer running PowerPoint under MS Windows, equipped with a USB port.

3) Preparation for Your Presentation Session
Bring a USB memory with your PowerPoint presentation, and make sure that your file is copied to the laptop computer in the session room. Please arrive at the presentation room 10 minutes before the actual session starts and introduce yourself to the session chair. Be prepared to give some bibliographic details about yourself to the chairperson so that he/she can introduce you before your presentation

2. Online Presentation

1) Preparations

– Enter into the online conference website (The URL will be notified soon)

As a registered attendee of ICAIIC 2024, you should have already registered at and got a valid ID by completing the registration. You should have already received an email, including your account of our online conference website. Now, you need to go to the online conference website and sign in with the account.

– Install Zoom

If you have not yet, install Zoom (

2) During Conference

– Enter the Zoom meeting

As an author or speaker, you have the obligation to attend the session where your talk will appear and answer questions from attendees of the conference.

To enter the Zoom meeting for the session where your paper will be presented, go to the online conference website and click the “Join Session” button on your session on the online conference website.

Please try to enter the Zoom meeting 10 minutes before the session is scheduled to begin so that you have an opportunity to create your Badge, meet the student volunteer (with name [Name] (Volunteer)) assigned to your session, and discuss any concerns you may have.

– Create your Zoom “Badge”

When in Zoom, click Participants at the bottom (if using Desktop Zoom)

In the Participants pane, hover over your name and click “More”
Click “Rename”
Enter: [Your Name] (Author)

3) During Session

It is strongly recommended that you turn on your video in Zoom during the session. The time generally allocated to each presenter is 15 minutes and Q&A is 3 minutes, but it can be slightly changed by the chairperson according to the number of papers allocated in the session. The presenter uses the ZOOM sharing function to directly share his/her slides for the oral presentation. During Q&A at the end of each talk, please unmute your microphone.


Poster Sessions
1. On-site Poster Presentation

1) Duration of the Presentation
Each session has 120 minutes, requiring all presenters to be available at their posters during the session.

2) Poster Specification
Posters must be designed to fit a 90cm wide x 180cm tall board. Posters may be prepared as a single poster or as several smaller sections mounted together. The heading of the poster should list the paper title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation(s).

3) Poster Set-Up
Posters may be attached to the boards by push pins, which will be provided. Posters must be set up by presenters 10 minutes before the session starts. Posters must be removed by presenters immediately after the session is over. Posters not removed by 10 minutes after the session will be removed by volunteers (session organizers are not responsible for posters left after this deadline).

2. Video Play

We are implementing a new hybrid mode poster session. The presentation material and video will be used instead of the onsite poster to promote participation and enhance the experience among the conference attendees. The presentation material of the poster and its 10 minute video file will be made by the presenter and should be available to the conference poster session in advance via the online conference website to view online and leave comments. Then, the presenter can prepare and answer the comments during the conference. Please check the following.

– Presentation material
: File Format – pdf (Only pdf file is acceptable)
: Free style content (Material is not confined by a fixed structure or format)

– Presentation video
: File Format – mp4
: Playing time – 10 minutes (Maximum upload file size: 150MB)

– File submission deadline: Feb. 14 (Wed.), 2024

– File upload site: